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Re:Issues - a pop-up exhibition of album-themed art & tales

A Cabbage & Kraut co-production - Re:Issues

District magazine headline describing RE:issues exhibition

Funded by the Night Time Economy Support Scheme, Cabbage & Kraut - Maria Canavan & Sarah Quinn curated a pop-up exhibition for The Big Romance Bar. The venue, an audiophile bar that celebrates the medium of the vinyl record, provides a space to contemplate their significance. We live in an increasingly ethereal and digitalised world, yet there is something about the tangibility of vinyl that continues to draw new generations of music lovers.

As music provides a medium of connection and shared culture across generations, vinyl albums endure as living relics that embody our memories, experiences and emotions as we pull the sleeve from the cover and the needle hits the groove.

RE:issues invited artists to explore the themes of timelessness, connection, culture, and album art through a series of new works and curated pieces. The exhibition had three strands: Collector, Curator and Creator. Featuring artwork from new and established artists.